Tuesday 12 June 2012

Maisha was shy and soft spoken.
I remember the last time we met. I complimented her silky, shiny hair. I remember asking her jolly faced, sweet mother,  to make her wear a sari for our Pohela Boishakh event. She was excited – saree- what kind? White and red, is it? Looking at Maisha lovingly, okay we’ll have to look for one. I’m happy I shared those few rare moments, as I watched Maisha smile and laugh..
The very same day we went out for ice cream, and saw a kitten on the road. It meowed for attention – it looked abandoned and desolate. Maisha called the kitten to her, and it followed as if in a dream. I don’t know why a scene from Cat woman flashed before my eyes, I remembered Halle Berry and her small act of kindness to a cat, that led her to be rewarded by super powers..
The kitten followed us around. Maisha treated it with love and kindness- it was determined to come home with us. With great difficulty, and a few comedic efforts, we managed to get the kitten out from under our car’s wheels, and safe from harm.
Just after a few weeks.  It happened in a flash- cold hard reality that I do know, I’ve seen it happen in front of me, why does it still surprise me? The illusion of immortality is embedded within our minds – we remember, and forget, we forget again when we are safely on the shore from the stormy ocean.
I had to see Maisha again – I knew I had work at university, I had tasks and assignments pending, but I knew it was time I needed to remember again.  I had to see where I would be going myself one day -
It was familiar – the same situation, the pain, and grief, the shock – but why was everyone crying? Was it because they would miss Maisha? I think they were scared – scared to see reality infront of them, the only event in our life with a probability of 1.0. We were crying because we knew we would go the same way. We were crying because uncertainty terrifies us. We were scared because we think we will be alone when it will happen..
The lady in black shushed us, while we huddled around Maisha. In Arabic, she said something decisively – we looked around for a translator – a soft spoken, Srilankan lady who looked to us and said, “Don’t worry, sister, she is now under the protection of Allah. Why are you worried?”
And I thought, what could be more beautiful than the Kingdom of Allah? To Allah we belong, to Him we will return.
➢ Surah Al-Maidah 5: Ayah 9
Verily, those who believe, and do deeds of righteousness, their Lord will guide them through their faith; under them will flow rivers in the Gardens of Delight (Paradise).

➢Surah Muhammad 47: Ayah 2
… And whosoever believes in Allah and performs righteous good deeds, He will expiate from him his sins, and will admit him to Gardens under which rivers flow(Paradise) to dwell therein forever; that will be the great success.


Zeba said...

Sigh. I needed this gentle reminder.

A. Zahra said...

That is beautiful!

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